Leadership is a Skill, not a Title
It takes much more than a job title to make a leader, especially as you grow within an organization and start to take on a formal leadership role. Just because someone has the title doesn’t make them a leader. Leadership as a skill is needed in everyone.
I recently had the honor of attending the Fort Sill Delta Battery 1 40th Army graduation ceremony. My daughter was a graduate, which was a very proud moment for me. But it was most inspiring to be in a room with 130 of the Army’s newest soldiers. This group of soldiers came from all corners of our country and are all starting the journey of being a US Soldier together. It’s quite emotional.
The commencement speech was given by Lieutenant Colonel Andrew J. Knight and his message to this group of the newest, lowest ranking Army Soldiers was on being a leader. For me it parallels what I believe in leadership.
“Seek out your best leaders to emulate. You can decide the leader you want to be. The greatest honor any of us will ever have is to lead soldiers. Leading is much more than giving orders in fact, that’s the least of it. In your rank and position do not determine your ability to lead. Being a leader means that you care for your subordinates and their families. And invest in helping your subordinates reach their goals and dreams. At times it is challenging and at times it will be disappointing, but I promise it will always be rewarding.” Lieutenant Colonel Andrew J. Knight, Aug 2nd 2019 Delta BTRY Graduation Ceremony, Fort Sill OK
This concept applies to the civilian world, too. Every position within an organization requires leadership qualities. It matters what you do, it’s not about giving orders. Leadership is about caring and it is an honor. Continue to develop your leadership skills to evolve, grow and care.
How? Do what you say you’re going to do. Own your role. Be accountable to others. And always continue to learn.