Good leaders have questions, not answers
The art of asking questions
By Vicki Updike
As a leader, you are inundated with questions throughout the day and are expected to know all the answers to lead the team to success.
Good teams are those with leaders who ask great questions. Instead of answering all the questions, leaders have an opportunity to ask their team questions. Often times, you hire people so you can utilize their skills and experience; asking them questions is sometimes the easiest way to uncover their knowledge and expertise. When you have a leader who allows their team to think, grow and develop problem-solving skills, it allows your team to become stronger and more self-sufficient.
A leader is stronger when they admit they don’t know something and ask the right questions to find the answers they need. Your timing of questions and the approach you take to asking questions can show your strengths as a true leader. It also allows leaders to find out the areas that they can assist their team.
Here are seven tips to ask good questions:
Listen to the answer and then respond – don’t insert your input until you have heard someone’s full answer.
Ask only one question and be concise – when you take more time to explain your question, there is a better chance that you are going to point the answer in a certain direction.
Avoid leading questions – take a neutral stance and allow the person to answer without a preconceived notion of how you want them to answer.
Ask open-ended questions – when you ask a yes or no question, it shuts down the opportunity for your team to process a thought - out response and use problem-solving skills.
Ask follow-up questions – this shows you are engaged and are thinking through the person’s answers.
Don’t be afraid of silence and pauses – giving the room time to think through what they are going to say can allow for more thought-out answers.
Acknowledge the answers that you are receiving and don’t brush them off – make your team feel valued with the answers that they are giving you.
These tips can make you a more effective leader. Take a look at the time you are spending with your team and make sure that you are not just answering questions, but asking them as well.
To learn more about effective leadership qualities, try leadership coaching with New Sage Strategies where we dive into learning the techniques and enhancing the skills you need to make you a better leader. Visit our website today: