How to keep an executive presence
Whether you are a manager or senior executive or just starting in your professional career, what you say, how you say it and using the proper context is critical to move towards your full potential as a leader. These are important factors in developing your executive presence. This is less about your performance and more about your awareness of the signals you send and how they are perceived. Here are three things I do to create that executive presence.
Stay calm in the pressure cooker
One of the quickest ways to lose the trust of team members is to allow outside influences to affect your attitude. When problems are brewing in the workplace, remain calm under pressure. By providing a level head and sticking to the issues of the business, even when others around you are rattled, you will exude a powerful executive voice.
Bring solutions, not problems
It can be frustrating for those around you when you only bring up problems without also providing ideas for solutions. Do your homework so you can show up more strategically by taking the lead in analyzing the problems. Even if you don't have the answer, you exude the skills to find the answer. An executive presence is about using the talent around you to find those creative solutions.
Be a visionary/see beyond the scope of the problems
One trait that helps your executive presence is to be a big picture thinker. When faced with a problem, you must extend your scope. Look beyond how it affects your department or function. Look to connect the dots on the larger impact on the business. This includes working with those who bring a perspective different than yours and asking questions to ensure you understand the situation fully.
No one could have predicted the situation we are in currently and there will be many other curveballs thrown your way throughout your career. Exude your executive presence by staying calm and working through business issues with a big picture perspective.