Letting self-doubt creep in

You deserve to be here.

Have you ever asked yourself if you should be in this meeting? If you deserved a promotion? How about if you deserved to get the job you have, even though there were a ton of other qualified candidates?

You worry that you aren't up for the task or the job and you stress about how others are viewing you.

We do this thing where we don't give ourselves enough credit. We let self-doubt creep in and tell us the worst possible scenarios and ideas. However, it is stopping us from being successful.

We would never talk like that to someone else but imposter syndrome and the self-doubt that we hang onto can get us in a negative state. Many women will feel self-doubt at some point in their career, whether they are in a leadership position or just starting out.

Here's the thing…you are valuable. Know your worth!

Here are 3 things to do to avoid letting self-doubt creep in:

1. Don't always listen to the voice inside your head

Sometimes the voice inside of our head can be helpful. Other times, the negative voice inside of our head can hold us back. Know that it’s important to recognize the negative thoughts, but you don’t have to believe them. Not all your thoughts are truths.

2. Get outside of your head

When we get stuck on these thoughts, it can be hard to step away from them. Do something that will allow you to clear your mind.

3. Seek an outside perspective

It can be your partner, family, friends, mentors or even a coach that you seek an outside perspective from. Getting an outside perspective can pull you back into reality and help you look at the facts.

“Don't diminish the credit you deserve for your accomplishment and your impact. That does nothing for you and it's not necessary.”

Stop letting self doubt get in the way of going after your big, bold goals. You deserve to be here.


The importance of belonging


Be Bold. Be You.