Networking is About Relationships, Not Events

Women’s Leadership Conference 2019

Women’s Leadership Conference 2019

Many people have a love-hate relationship with the concept of networking. This can come from a dislike of large networking events, a lack of confidence in our ability to talk about ourselves, or undervaluing the role of a professional network. In my early career, I kept my head down and did the job at hand but didn’t spend time developing my network. By the time I looked up, I was in need of a professional circle of support, and I didn’t have one. This was a lonely time. I started to slowly build intentional networking relationships both inside and outside my organization, and that’s when I began to understand the true value of these connections.

Today I can attest to the energizing value of a network of people who truly “get me.” If you find yourself putting off an investment of time and energy in networking, please consider this advice:

Find your people. You will know you are in the right place when your networking efforts build your confidence. Not all networking experiences do this, and it means some are not a good fit for you. Think about networking in terms of establishing and nurturing healthy relationships.

It’s not about numbers. Authentic networking goes beyond surface-level chit-chat. It’s not about attending large networking events with the objective of being seen or handing out as many (real or virtual) business cards as possible. But if you do attend larger events, have a goal. Mine is typically to meet two or three people I don’t already know.

Women have a knack for this. A successful network of professional women, specifically, show up in the spirit of inclusivity and vulnerability. We share challenges and victories, laugh and cry together, and genuinely cheer for one another. Take time to find a group you trust and enjoy.

There is real value in developing a professional network. The McKinsey & Company Study of Women in the Workplace affirms that women benefit from professional networks, and they are proven to help build their careers. I’m always looking to expand my network; you can start by reaching out to me.


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